The Heat Is On!
While it's been a little cool lately, the heat is coming back for the start of August. Please be vigilant in protecting your dog from the heat.
Recently, I was doing some shopping and parked my car in the parking lot. When I got out my car I heard barking. I'm thinking to myself 'Where could barking be coming from?'. It was quite loud so I knew it was close by but I was in a giant parking lot.
After walking around the lot I found a small dog in a parked car with the window cracked. I couldn't believe it! It is hot outside but inside a car it's too hot for a dog! Cracking the window will not keep the temperature inside the car from rising. I didn't see any people nearby so that means the owner was in a store somewhere.
I felt helpless. I couldn't break into a car and I couldn't find the owner. The police will not doing anything, so with a heavy heart I had to go.
I don't know what happened but it bothered me for a long time.
In this post I am begging anyone with a dog that if you can't take your dog inside to wherever you are headed, please leave them home. They're happier alone at home than alone in a car anyway.
Dogs can get heat stroke but they can also get sunburned. Dogs with very short hair can burn on their bodies but all dogs can burn on their noses or any area not covered by fur or hair. You can apply dog-safe sunscreen, and/or keep them in the shade. It is also important to supply a bowl of water for your dog.
Your dog is susceptible to the heat of summer so be careful because we love them....